Minggu, 02 Juni 2013

NONI 100% Pure Leaven
NONI (Mengkudu)
Facts The medicinal properties of Noni were discovered, more than 2000 years ago, by the Polynesians, who imported the fruit from Southeast Asia. Today the noni fruits is eaten in many parts of the world, mainly in the Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia and Australia. Those who recovered from illness after eating the noni fruit called it? The fruit of God?
Noni juice was approved by the European Commission as a novel food and was allowed to be commercialised in the EU. A novel food is food or a food ingredient that was not used to a significant degree in the EU before May 15, 1997. Before any new food product can be introduced on the European market it must be rigorously assessed for safety.

OTHER NAMES``` Indian mulberry, Nonu -India, Nono - Tahiti, Lada - Guam, Kura-Fiji, Niam - Asian, Cheese fruit - Australia, Painkiller tree - Caribean, Bumbo - AfricanMedical Evidence Substantiates that Noni Can Strengthen The Immune System* Increase 50% in Healthy People Immune System*· Natural Killer Cells Enhanced by 300% * Patients suffering from chronic fatigue, gradually recovered by consumption of Noni.* 100% increase in Immunity System for Cancer Patients who consume Noni.What Noni is used for and its’ benefits * Noni has a history of use as a topical preparation for joint pain and skin conditions. * Traditionally, the leaves and fruit of noni have been used for health purposes.* Today, people drink noni fruit juice areal as a health tonic, as well as for cancer and chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. * Noni has been reported to have a range of health benefits for colds, cancer, diabetes, asthma, hypertension, pain, skin infection, high blood pressure, mental depression, atherosclerosis and arthritis* The noni contain the antibacterial compounds in the fruits (acubin, L-asperuloside and alizarin) and roots (anthrauinones).* Noni conatins scopoletin which inhibits the growth of Escherichia coli, which is responsible for intestinal infections, and Heliobacter pylori, which causes ulcers.* Damnacanthal, which is found in the noni roots, inhibits the tyrosine kinase and gives noni anti-tumor activity

BSY Noni 100% Pure Leaven USA Technology "THE NATURAL HEALER “

1. Internal Physique Protections:
NONI can quickly rule out the accumulated toxins in the body, maintain blood in weak alkaline level and balanced amount of intestinal bacteria, strengthens the cells, promote digestion and strengthen the resistance on pathogenic bacteria.
2. Anti-Inflammatory Function:

When part of human cells injured or damaged, intrusion of sickness-caused pathogens will begin to root, grow uncontrollably and cause inflammation. In fact, enzyme does not fill the treatment capacity, but it ships a large number of white blood cells to heal the wound, whatever the disease is, the most basic treatment for body is still relied on the body’s healing capacity. Even the specific drug or antibiotics, can only eradicate pathogens but not promote growing of new cells but NONI enzymes will come into the gene and help on cell proliferation.
3. Antibacterial Effect:

Noni enzyme enhances white blood cells antibacterial and disinfection functions while promote growth of new cells to achieve the fundamental purpose of the disease. This is an important function of NONI Decomposition, healing the affected area or remain in the intramuscular purulence, dirt, the body return to normal conditions. Moreover, the promotion of food digestion and absorption is also one of decomposition.
4. Blood Purification Role:

Decomposition, the excretion of waste in the blood and brain inflammation generated by the virus but also decomposition cholesterol, blood weakly alkaline maintain, promote blood circulation, treatment bald, shoulder pain, bruises and other disease.
5. Cell Activation:

Through xeronine supplementation, immune system can be activated in triggering self-healing function in the operation of the human body and constantly provide needs of energy in the process of healing, increase cell metabolism and cell regeneration.
6. Health Functions:

Help to improve functions of heart, brain, liver, skin, blood system and the endocrine cells. Improve livers detoxification function, promote livers cell regeneration. Repair damaged brain cells, activation of brain and nerve cell function, help in overall improvement of mental retardation and dementia. Activation of myocardial cells and thus promotes myocardial cell regeneration. Regulating blood lipids while stabilising blood sugar, activate hematological function. Adjusting endocrine system. Dilute elderly plague and restoring skin flexibility, reduce wrinkles generation, while dilute melanoma at the same time. Sedative and analgesic, anti-filamentary functions. Enhance retinal photoreceptor, the sense of colour, visual acuity and reduce the formation of cataract. At the same time, terseness helps to prevent glaucoma. Frequent consumption promotes energetic level.
* No mixture with other fruit juice.
* No artificial additive or preservative.
* 1250 calories per 50ml of Noni leaven.
* 0.025 gram of protein.
* 0.285 gram of carbohydrate
* 0.725 gram of sodium
* Pure deep colour, sour with astringent taste, unsweetened,
* If uncomfortable with taste, one can mix this Noni Leaven with fruit juice (such as blueberry juice, apple juice, pineapple juice, honey, etc) for better taste

1. To achieve best effectiveness, a dose of Noni Leaven at least 30 minutes before eating will encourage quick absorbent of leaven in becoming xeronine in intestine, as the after-meal stomach contains acidic digestive liquid and thus interferes with the xeronine conversion and cause effectiveness reduction
2. Dosage: 1-2 times a day, in the early morning, midday, or before sleep with 2-3 drops.
3. Drinking coffee is discouraged within 30 minutes of dosage consumption
Note: Consumption; Strictly as pure nutritious food, irreplaceable with drugs and not to be treated as medical treatment

Durability: 2 years (at a cool, dry place, the longer the storage year, the more valuable and taste better)

Origin: South-Pacific Islands
How soon will I notice the effects of Noni?

Everyone is different in terms of age, size, and health status. Some people will notice a difference immediately, while others will take longer to experience the benefits. This depends on the overall health situation of each individual. In our experience most people will notice some effects within the first month.
PRICE: (10 ml bottle)

Member : RM27.00
(T & C apply)
Retail : RM40.00

....... Bahasa Indonesia........

Noni Leaven dapat meningkatkan fungsi
·Sel jantung, Otak, Hati, Kuli
·Sistem peredaran darah dan organ-organ endokrin.
Secara khusus, Nini Leaven memperkuat fungsi

·Detosifikasi kantong empedu
·Meningkatan regenerasi sel hati yang terluka.
·Memperbaiki sel-sel yang rusak.
·Mengaktifkan fungsi sel-sel otak dan saraf
·Mengurangi keterbelakangan mental yang disebabkan oleh pertumbuhan
abnormal otak.
Manfaat Noni Leaven

·Menambah stamina
·Mengaktifkan fungsi sel
·Mencegah gagal jantung
·Meregenerasi fungsi sumsum
·Memperlambat tanda-tanda penuaan
·Mengembalikan elastiisitas kullit
·Mengurang keriput
·Memperlambat menopause
·Berfungsi menenangkan, Mengurangi rasa sakit, dan anti-peradangan
·Meningkatkan ketajaman visual dan mencegah glaucoma dan katarak.

In Bahasa Malaysia


Kesihatan diri dan Keluarga Keutamaan Kita
Buah mengkudu mengandungi bahan yang dipanggil "xeronine".
Dr. Ralph M. Heninicke, Ahli Biokimia, University of Hawaii, Amerika Syarikat merupakan perintis kajian buah mengkudu selama 45 tahun. Beliau menemui kompoun alkoloid "proxeronine" dalam buah mengkudu secara tidak sengaja ketika mengkaji enzime "bromelin" dalam buah nenas. Kandungan "proxeronine" dalam buah mengkudu adalah 800 kali berbanding paras yang terdapat dalam buah nenas.
Jadi, buah mengkudu amat berguna kepada kesihatan manusia. Buah mengkudu mengandungi zat pencetus "xeronine" yang dipanggil sebagai "proxeronine" di samping terdapat enzim yang membantu "proxeronine" membentuk "xeronine".
Kepentingan xeronine :
  • Salah satu bahan penting bagi menggalakkan pertumbuhan tisu dalam tubuh badan manusia menerusi tindakbalas bahan kimia antara proxeronine dan proxeronase.
  • Interaksi dua bahan kimia proxeronine dan proxeronase boleh membantu membesarkan liang pada usus kecil - sekali gus mempercepatkan serapan bahan nutrien ke dalam sistem pemakanan.
  • Berfungsi sebagai bahan mengembalikan kesegaran dan ketahanan protein badan yang merupakan sebagai bahan awet muda.
  • Mengkudu juga kaya dengan bahan anti-oksidan iaitu membantu melambatkan proses penuaan. Biasanya buah mengkudu dipetik dan diperam di atas garam, atau di dalam beras. Apabila sudah masak ia boleh dimakan begitu sahaja. Ianya juga boleh dicampur dengan gula untuk dimakan.
  • Buah mengkudu boleh memulih sel atau tisu rosak, sekali gus melambatkan proses penuaan, di samping berguna bagi penyakit kencing manis, sengal sendi dan tekanan darah tinggi. Daun mudanya boleh digunakan sebagai sayuran atau dimakan sebagai ulaman. Daunnya jika direbus boleh menyihatkan ibu yang baru bersalin. Kulitnya berguna bagi mengubati penyakit Malaria. Bunga mengkudu boleh digunakan untuk merawat penyakit mata. Akar mengkudu berguna bagi mengubati penyakit buasir, hidung tersumbat dan pendarahan otak.
Menurut kajian, xeronine terdapat secara semulajadi didalam tubuh manusia ketika bayi atau kanak-kanak. Namun tahap kandungan xeronine akan berkurangan semakin usia mereka meningkat dengan diet atau pemakanan yang tidak seimbang dan sihat.

Membantu memperbaiki fungsi sel hati, otak, paru-paru, kulit, edaran darah dan organ dalaman.Khususnya ia menguatkan hati dan fungsi nyah toksik pundi hempedu.
Memperbaharui sel hati yang cedera, memperbaiki sel otak yang rosak, mengurangkan rencatan otak yang disebabkan pembesaran serebral yang tidak normal, membaiki sel jantung, menguatkan fungsi jantung, melancarkan edaran darah, menstabilkan gula dalam darah, mengekalkan anjalan kulit, mengurangkan jerawat, mencegah katarak dan glaukoma.

Oleh demikian, pati mengkudu perlu dibekalkan kepada tubuh badan manusia supaya ia berupaya kembali melindungi sel-sel badan yang tidak sihat. BSY Fed Noni 100% ekstrak dari buah mengkudu adalah sumber supplemen paling berkesan untuk membekalkan kembali tahap xeronine yang tinggi yang diperlukan oleh tubuh manusia

Khasiat Buah Mengkudu diantaranya :
·Menstabilkan tekanan darah dan aras kolestrol - otot jantung.
·Gangguan dalam tubuh - kencing manis, sakit kepala, ginjal, buah pinggang, pundi kencing, pundi hempedu dan tiroid Mencegah pertumbuhan sel kanser dan tumor.
·Sistem pernafasan - resdung, asthma, bronkitis, hingus meleleh, batuk, sakit tekak, batuk kering, kolera dan bayi yang demam selsema.
·Gangguan penghadaman - perut kembung, ulcer, Gastrik, cirit-beret, muntah2, tudak hadam. Buasir, keracunan makanan.
·Mulut dan Tekak - radang tekak, sakit gusi dan sakit gigi.
·Sakit tulang dan sendi - terseliuh dan gout.
·Penyakit kulit - bisul, luka, kurap, radang, ulser kulit.
·Sakit puan - senggugut, gangguan haid.
·Menghilangkan gatal - celah kelangkang, pelipatan, ulat air dan penyakit kulit.
·Memulihkan kesan umum penuaan (awet muda).
·Menghilangkan ketagihan dadah dan rokok.
·Membantu sistem kesuburan lelaki dan wanita.
·Meredakan kesakitan (analgesik).
·Meningkatkan tenaga tubuh badan.
·Mengurangkan stress (tekanan)
Kandungan :
  • 100% pati buah noni ( mengkudu )
  • tanpa campuran pati buahan lain
  • dan perasa tiruan dan tiada bahan pengawet.
  • Setiap 50ml Fed. Noni mengandungi 1250 kalori
  • 0.025gm protin
  • 0.285 gm Kabohaiderat
  • 0.725 gm Sodium.
Kondisi : Sedikit masam, pekat dan kehijauan
Lebih berkesan :
1. Setelah bangun dari tidur masa pagi, ambil 2 – 4 titik noni di bawah lidah keman selama 2 minit.
2. .Minum sekali lagipada waktu malam sebelum tidur dengan kaedah yang sama
3. Setelah minum noni dalam masa 30 minit jangan makan apa-apa makanan .
4. Bagi yang merokok,jangan merokok dalam masa 60 minit selepas minum noni
Pesakit yang sedang menerima rawatan doktor, jangan tinggalkan ubat doktor secara mengejut semasamengambil produk NONI terutama bagi pesakit darah tinggi, jantung dan kencing manis. Kurangkan dos ubat mengikut nasihat doktor.
Apabila berlaku keradangan dimana-mana bahagaian tubuh badan manusia, secara semulajadi rerambut pembuluh darah akan menyerap xeronine dan mengapungkannya bagi membantu mengurangkan kesakitan dan seterusnya menghalang dari berlaku radangan ditempat tersebut pada masa akan datang.
Penghasilan xeronine membantu bagi pencegahan penyakit kanser, sakit jantung, darah tinggi, lumpuh, sakit sendi, kencing manis, sembelit, nyanyuk, kegagalan sistem imun, kegemukan, anti penuaan dsb.
Kajian dan penyelidikan menunjukan enzim Noni tidak bertindak secara langsung keatas sesetengah penyakit tetapi oleh sebab ia kaya dengan xeronine maka ia dapat menampung keperluan xeronine yang banyak dalam tubuh bagi mengawal serangan penyakit dan mengaktifkan sistem imun yang akan berfungsi sebagai penawar semulajadi dan meransangkan sistem metabolisma dan memulihkan sel2 badan manusia dengan cepat dan membantu mencegah serangan penyakit. Sebab itu enzim Noni memberi kesan positif keatas penyakit yang berbeza kerana ia bertindak keatas punca penyakit yang menyerang dari dalam sistem badan manusia.


· Hepatitis A, B & C Tanda2 akan terus berkurangan, Semangat pulih kembali, Semakin berselera.
· Neurosis (skit jiwa ringan) Senang tidur selepas dua minggu, Berasa segar selepas bangun tidur.Perasaan tenang, Di peringkat awal, sakit / tegang kepala.
· Insomnia Peringkat awal tegang kepala, Berselera makan, Perasaan tenang
· Resdung Hidung menhadi semakin sebu selama 3 - 7 hari. Berkesan selepas dua minggu, badanagak panas.
· Anemia (Kurang darah) Keluar darah dari hidung, Pening kepala
· Mandul Keluar banyak darah haid berwarna hitam, Sperma lelaki bertambah.
· Psoriasis Keluar lebih banyak
· Kaki busuk Mula-mula berasa gatal, Keluar air bisa
· Beguk (Gerondong) Demam, Mula berkesan selepas 1 - 2 bulan
· Sawan (Penyakit Tarik) Menjadi bertambah teruk
· Kulit Sensitif Tindak balas menjadi semakin teruk selama seminggu
· Kulit Pecah/Berair Bisa Keluar air bisa, (nanah, darah kotor yang berbau busuk)
· Luka Dalaman Sengal dan sakit di bahagian yang luka, Rasa panas di bahagian yang sakit.Kadang-kadang kencing berdarah atau berwarna perang.
· Selepas Pembedahan Rasa sakit di bahagian yang dibedah
· Meroyan (Selepas bersalin) Mengantuk, Badan rasa sakit, Darah nifas keluar habis-habisan
· Selsema Bersin dan hingus akan bertambah
· Sembelit Sakit ketika buang air besar
· Gastrik Seram sejuk, Perut pedih, Berlaku cirit-birit atau sembelit
- Gout Sendi menjadi sakit dan terasa panas
· Sakit Kuning Badan lebih panas, Meloya, Air kencing berwarna keruh

Video1 Moorthy BSY 1st millionaire

Video 1: Skin disease

Click > "Video Testimonial" for more information

BSY Million Dollar Club Achievers

Millionaires' NightEvery Friday at 9.00 pm sharp.Venue: BSY office, Jalan Klang Lama, Kuala Lumpur
BSY income for millionaires_club

Marketing Plan (Malay/Indonesian)


The operation in Indonesia has no yet started.
The company is expected to launch its operation by the end of year, 2012.
The exchange rate is based on Malaysian Ringgit, about RM 1 = Rp3,300
Prices of products may be higher due to higher taxes in Indonesia.

Contact: Kartika Rini  (Madiun)
Mobile phone: +62-857 3664 7002

Marketing .Plan (Malaysia RM)

Global Innovation Workshop (M) Sdn Bhd (ATL 007305)

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for Everybody to Succeed.


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Just purchase a lot of BSY product, with minimum RM270 to become a member.

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` * Rewarded for Life, if you directly sponsor ONE active distributor

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NEXT CHANGE???? early 2013 Indonesia

Clenxlim...100% Fiber

Ingredients: * Milk thistle extract * Spirulina extract * Psyllium husk * Vitamin C
*Citric acid * Maltodextrin * Chlorophyll * L-Carnitine *Stevia .......
Benefits of high Fiber may
* Help prevent constipation and piles
* reduces the risk of colon cancer,
* improvements in gastrointestinal health
* improvements in glucose tolerance and the insulin
response (Aids people with diabetes to control their blood sugar
* reduction of hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and other coronary
heart disease risk factors
* reduction in the risk of developing bowel cancer
* Control of weight management

PRICE: 1 sachet: Retail RM 8.00
Distributor: RM7.00 T&C apply
50 sachets Classic distributor: RM350.00 minimum package
           Some helpful hints about fiber

1. Increase slowly: The best way to begin is to figure out how much fiber you are currently eating each day. Once you know your number, you can begin to slowly increase how much you are eating until you reach your recommended amount. Increasing too quickly can lead to gas, bloating, and/or diarrhea.

2. Add the fluids: If you do not have enough fluids (preferably water) with your high-fiber diet, you may end with the problem that you are trying to avoid: constipation. Get into the habit of drinking a minimum of 2 cups of a calorie-free beverage between each meal and you will avoid any unwanted problems.

3. Don't go overboard: More is not always better, so try not to eat more fiber than your body can comfortably handle. There is no Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) set for fiber, which means that there is no cap on how high you can go before it causes any damage. Pay attention to how your bowel movements are responding to your fiber intake, and speak with your physician if you have any questions.

4. Little here, little there: You don't need to get all of your fiber in one meal. Be creative, and have sources of fiber throughout the day. Here are some ways to do this: 



Fiber for weight control
\There is some evidence that "bulking up" could lead to slimming down. In a recent study of more than 1700 overweight and obese men and women, those with the highest fiber intake had the greatest weight loss over 24 months. Results from the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII) from 1994 -1996 also supported the relationship between a high-fiber intake and lower body weight. One of the reasons that fiber may have an impact on body weight is its ability to slow the movement of food through the intestines. The gel-like substance that soluble fibers form when they dissolve in water causes things to swell and move slower in the intestines. This increase in time that foods stay in the intestines has been shown to reduce hunger feelings and overall food intake. It has also been shown to decrease the number of calories that are actually absorbed from the ingested food. One study showed an increase in the number of calories that were excreted in the stools when high-fiber psyllium gum-based crackers were given in comparison to low-fiber crackers. Whenever fewer calories are taken in, or more are excreted, weight loss will generally occur.

Fiber for controlling diabetes

A high-fiber diet may be just what the doctor ordered to get your blood sugars under control. Keeping our blood sugars stable is a goal that we would all benefit from. If you don't have type 2 diabetes, this could be the way to prevent it. If you do have it, this could be the way to keep it under control. The best time to address type 2 diabetes is before it has developed. Research has shown that high-fiber diets can help prevent this form of diabetes. The most recent study on done on overweight and obese men and women without diabetes showed reductions in blood sugar and insulin with the use of a high soluble fiber supplement. A German clinical trial reported that eating fiber-enriched bread for only three days improved insulin sensitivity in overweight and obese women by 8%. If a diet intervention this small can have that great of an impact, you can imagine what years of following a high-fiber diet, filled with vegetables, fruits and whole grains would do. The good news for those with diabetes is that increasing your fiber now can also prevent long-term complications from diabetes. Soluble fiber has been found to produce significant reductions in blood sugar in 33 of 50 studies testing it. In clinical intervention trials ranging from two to 17 weeks, consumption of fiber was shown to decrease insulin requirements in people with type 2 diabetes. If you have ever had to inject yourself with insulin, you can appreciate how much easier and less painful it would be to increase your fiber intake to avoid the need for insulin injections.

Fiber for preventing heart disease

If we were to sit down and have a "heart to heart," I would tell you that one of the best things that you could do on your own to protect your heart is to follow a high-fiber diet. Numerous studies have produced compelling evidence to support this. In a Harvard study of over 40,000 male health professionals, researchers found that a high total dietary fiber intake was linked to a 40% lower risk of coronary heart disease, compared to a low-fiber

Another strong predictor of heart disease is abnormal blood cholesterol, LDL, and/or HDL levels. It appears that soluble fiber reduces the absorption of cholesterol in your intestines by binding with bile (which contains cholesterol) and dietary cholesterol so that the body excretes it. The oat bran and bean fiber intervention trials where dietary fiber supplementation was combined with a low-fat diet shows that reductions in total cholesterol levels ranged from 8-26%. Other studies have shown that 5 to 10 grams of soluble fiber a day decreases LDL cholesterol by about 5%. All of these benefits will occur regardless of changes in dietary fat. In a trial with low fat and low fat plus high fiber groups, the group consuming high fiber exhibited a greater average reduction (13%) in total cholesterol concentration than the low fat (9%) and the usual diet (7%) groups. It seems that you don't have to change everything to gain something.

Fiber for bowel disorders

"Roughing" up your diet can be the key to healthier bowels. With the introduction of white flour came an increased prevalence of bowel disorders such as diverticulosis, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, polyps, colon cancer, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). In Burkitt's early research into this phenomenon, he made reference to the fact that the typical African stool specimen was large and soft, and that stool transit times were rapid, compared to the puny hard fecal deposits and slow transit times of Europeans. In one of his studies, they conducted elaborate experiments in which volunteers in England, India, and Africa had their bowel movements timed and their stools weighed. Among the results of the study: People living under primitive conditions, on diets high in insoluble fibers, passed from 2½ to 4½ times as much feces as sailors in the Royal Navy, and were relatively free of many of the diseases studied. Current research supports the early findings. Studies have shown that a high-fiber diet (particularly fruit and vegetable fiber) help to prevent diverticulosis and will decrease the risk of complications if you have it. Although the mechanism by which fiber may be protective against diverticulosis is unknown, several hypotheses have been proposed.
For example, some scientists report that fiber helps by decreasing transit time, increasing stool weight, and decreasing pressure within the colon. The same has been found for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The current guidelines for the treatment of IBS include following a high fiber diet. The bulk that fiber provides is thought to help prevent the painful spasms often associated with IBS and aid in comfortable regularity. There is still a great deal of debate about the role of fiber in preventing colon cancer. The studies that look for connections with people's diets and their health have seen a trend in low-fiber diets and people with colon cancer. The studies that tried to intervene by putting people on high-fiber diets in order to prevent colon cancer or polyps did not find the same protective relationship. Burkitt's work and a more recent study showed that a daily stool weight greater than 150 grams needs to be achieved for the protective affect against colon cancer. This was not taken into account in many of the studies and may be the reason the protective effect was not found

Fiber for preventing or treating constipation
Fiber may just be the way to go when constipation is the problem. Although what constitutes constipation is not well established, diets that increase the number of bowel movements per day, improve the ease with which a stool is passed, or increase stool bulk are considered beneficial. Both soluble and insoluble fibers are necessary for regular bowel movements. Oftentimes, people use over-the-counter supplements to assist with regularity. Unfortunately, these supplements only provide soluble fiber. Studies support the benefits of the combination of soluble and insoluble fiber in alleviating constipation, but only with the consumption of an adequate fluid intake. High amounts of fiber, without fluids, can aggravate, rather then alleviate constipation. The way to go is to eat foods high in both soluble and insoluble fibers and drink lots of water to flush it down.